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It's highly recommended that couples complete the online application with payment by credit card before meeting with an agent.
Prior to completing the marriage application, be sure to review the marriage requirements for obtaining a license.
Both of the prospective spouses must appear together in person before a license agent to obtain a marriage license. Please note that your online application will be available for the issuance of a marriage license by an agent in the State of Hawaii up to one year from the application date. After a year, your application will be removed from the system. There will be no refunds for unused applications.
After online payment, click "Continue" on the payment receipt page to obtain the Locator ID and a list of license agents on the specified island of ceremony (if applicable).
Who is Eligible to Apply for a Marriage License?
- There are no state residence or U.S. citizenship requirements.
- Blood tests are not required.
- The legal age to marry is 18 years for both applicants.
- Applicants of 16 or 17 years of age who wish to marry require the written consent of both parents, legal guardian, or the family court. The parents or legal guardian do not have to be residents of the state. Consent forms may be obtained from a marriage license agent.
- Applicants of 15 years of age who wish to marry require the written consent of both parents or legal guardian, and the written approval of a judge of the family court. The parents or legal guardian do not have to be residents of the state. Consent forms may be obtained from a marriage license agent.
- Proof of age is required. A certified copy of a birth certificate must be presented for anyone 18 years of age or under. A valid I.D. or driver’s license may be presented for anyone 19 years of age or over.
- If previously married, proof of original divorce decree or death certificate needs to be presented to the marriage agent by the applicant if the divorce or death was final within 30 days of applying for a marriage license.
- Cousins may marry. However, the blood relationship between the prospective applicants cannot be closer than first cousins.
Look at the instructions for filling out the application